Closing the loop: sustainable approaches for managing and recovering food industry residues
challenges and limitations, circular economy, food waste, sustainability, waste in food industryResumo
Food waste management is a growing global concern, driven by the imperative to address environmental sustainability, resource conservation, and global hunger. This article aims to provide a theoretical analysis of the historical evolution of food waste management, delving into the definition of the term and its international relevance. Additionally, it critically examines the need for sustainable approaches. The methodology comprises a comprehensive literature review from 2013 to 2023, utilizing keywords related to food waste, sustainability, and the circular economy. The databases used include Science Direct and MDPI. Findings reveal a shift from individual to institutional food waste sources, underscoring the necessity for alternative approaches. Environmental analysis highlights the adverse impacts of conventional practices, while strategies such as food rescue, fermentation, and anaerobic digestion emerge as promising solutions. Understanding consumer behavior is crucial, and smart labels are introduced as potential tools to reduce food waste. The article identifies the challenges and limitations of current food waste management practices, emphasizing the need for sustainable treatments. Sustainable approaches in managing food industry residues, including food rescue, fermentation, and anaerobic digestion, are discussed as alternatives to conventional methods. The article concludes by proposing future research directions, emphasizing the importance of understanding consumer behavior, exploring the potential of smart labels, and addressing gaps in current knowledge to achieve a more sustainable and responsible approach to food consumption and waste management.
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