Hovenia dulcis T. extract and Glycyrrhiza glabra as natural antioxidants in Bologna mortadella
antioxidant, emulsified meat product, Japanese grape, lipid oxidationResumo
Pseudofruits of Hovenia dulcis T. present sweet-tasting edible and containing many nutrients, as well have a significant amount of phenolic compounds and could be a source of natural antioxidant. In this regard, this study aimed to evaluate the addition of H. dulcis T. extract and licorice root extract (licrezzTM) in the formulation of Bologna-type mortadella and to investigate inhibition of the oxidative effect of lipids during cold storage, in order to assess its antioxidants properties. The mortadella samples were prepared, in duplicate, with sodium erythorbate (control), licrezzTM (commercial extract from Glycyrrhiza glabra), and H. dulcis extract, all of them with 0,1% amount, and were evaluated by proximate composition and microbiological characteristics, texture profile, lipid oxidation, presence of nitrite, instrumental color, pH and water activity. Mortadella with H. dulcis extract did not present a significant difference to the control in proximate composition, microbiological characteristics, or texture profile. However, they presented inferior results, but of the same order regarding the Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) assay during the 28-day refrigerated storage. The control and H. dulcis extract samples presented at final storage increased approximately nine times of initial TBARS value while licrezzTM was twenty-six times. On the other hand, when compared to licrezzTM, H. dulcis extract presented a similar behavior regarding the residual nitrite content. In this sense, H. dulcis pseudo-fruits extracts showed potential use as natural antioxidants to emulsified meat products, both used alone and in a mixture with Glycyrrhiza glabra.
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