Gerenciamento de dispositivos IoT em ambientes industriais: mapeamento sistemático da literatura
gerenciamento de rede, IIoT, indústria 4.0, mapeamento sistemáticoResumo
O interesse em dispositivos IoT (Internet of Things) é cada dia maior por parte de várias verticais da Indústria, tais como automotiva, agrícola, elétrica, manufatura, saúde e cidades inteligentes, devido à flexibilidade e à facilidade que eles oferecem no monitoramento e na gestão da cadeia produtiva. Contudo, utilizar essa tecnologia habilitadora em ambientes industriais se mostrou um grande desafio, devido à heterogeneidade na diversidade tanto dos dispositivos quanto das aplicações e dos serviços disponibilizados. Portanto, gerenciá-los de forma eficiente não é uma tarefa trivial. Nesse contexto, com o crescimento da popularidade do conceito de Indústria 4.0, o número de artigos científicos que englobam o tema de gerenciamento de redes e serviços em redes IoT industriais (IIoT) vem crescendo. Várias soluções têm sido propostas nas diferentes subáreas possíveis da gerência de redes. Este trabalho tem o propósito de mapear as pesquisas relacionadas ao gerenciamento de recursos e aplicações IoT industriais, com o intuito de investigar tais soluções e identificar os direcionamentos de pesquisa, além das possíveis lacunas a serem exploradas.
BUMBLAUSKAS, D.; GEMMILL, D.; IGOU, A.; ANZENGRUBER, J. Smart Maintenance Decision Support Systems (SMDSS) based on corporate big data analytics. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 90, p. 303-317, 2017. DOI:
CHENG, J.; CHEN, W.; TAO, F.; LIN, C. Industrial IoT in 5G environment towards smart manufacturing. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, v. 10, p. 10-19, 2018. DOI:
CIVERCHIA, F.; BOCCHINO, S.; SALVADORI, C.; ROSSI, E.; MAGGIANI, L.; PETRACCA, M. Industrial Internet of Things monitoring solution for advanced predictive maintenance applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, v. 7, p. 4-12, 2017. DOI:
GARRIDO-HIDALGO, C.; OLIVARES, T.; RAMIREZ, F. J.; RODA-SANCHEZ, L. An end-to-end Internet of Things solution for Reverse Supply Chain Management in Industry 4.0. Computers in Industry, v. 112, 103127, 2019. DOI:
GEEST, M. V.; TEKINERDOGAN, B.; CATAL, C. Design of a reference architecture for developing smart warehouses in industry 4.0. Computers in Industry, v. 124, 103343, 2021. DOI:
HOSSAIN, M. S.; MUHAMMAD, G. Cloud-assisted Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): enabled framework for health monitoring. Computer Networks, v. 101, p. 192-202, 2016. DOI:
IIC – INDUSTRIAL INTERNET CONSORTIUM. Industrial Internet of Things Volume G4: Security Framework. Needham, MA, USA: The Object Management Group, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 nov. 2022.
KABUGO, J. C.; JÄMSÄ-JOUNELA, S.; SCHIEMANN, R.; BINDER, C. Industry 4.0 based process data analytics platform: A waste-to-energy plant case study. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, v. 115, 105508, 2020. DOI:
KUMAR, A.; SHARMA, K.; SINGH, H.; NAUGRIYA, S. G.; GILL, S. S.; BUYYA, R. A drone-based networked system and methods for combating coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Future Generation Computer Systems, v. 115, p. 1-19, 2021. DOI:
LIU, X. L.; WANG, W. M.; GUO, H.; BARENJI, A. V.; LI, Z.; HUANG, G. Q. Industrial blockchain based framework for product lifecycle management in industry 4.0. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, v. 63, 101897, 2020. DOI:
MAJEED, A.; ZHANG, Y.; REN, S.; LV, J.; PENG, T.; WAQAR, S.; YIN, E. A big data-driven framework for sustainable and smart additive manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, v. 67, 102026, 2021. DOI:
NAEEM, H.; ULLAH, F.; NAEEM, M. R.; KHALID, S.; VASAN, D.; JABBAR, S.; SAEED, S. Malware detection in industrial Internet of Things based on hybrid image visualization and deep learning model. Ad Hoc Networks, v. 105, 102154, 2020. DOI:
PLAGA, S.; WIEDERMANN, N.; ANTON, S. D.; TATSCHNER, S.; SCHOTTEN, H.; NEWE, T. Securing future decentralised industrial IoT infrastructures: Challenges and free open source solutions. Future Generation Computer Systems, v. 93, p. 596-608, 2019. DOI:
RATHEE, G.; SHARMA, A.; KUMAR, R.; IQBAL, R. A secure communicating things network framework for industrial IoT using blockchain technology. Ad Hoc Networks, v. 94, 101933, 2019. DOI:
RAY, P. P.; DASH, D.; DE, D. Edge computing for Internet of Things: a survey, e-healthcare case study and future direction. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, v. 140, p. 1-22, 2019. DOI:
REN, L.; CHENG, X.; WANG, X.; CUI, J.; ZHANG, L. Multi-scale dense gate recurrent unit networks for bearing remaining useful life prediction. Future Generation Computer Systems, v. 94, p. 601-609, 2019. DOI:
SANTOS, C. R. P.; FAMAEY, J.; SCHÖNWÄLDER, J.; GRANVILLE, L. Z.; PRAS, A.; TURCK, F. Taxonomy for the network and service management research field. Journal of Network and Systems Management, v. 24, p. 764-787, 2016. DOI:
SINGH, S. K.; JEONG, Y.; PARK, J. H. A deep learning-based IoT-oriented infrastructure for secure smart city. Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 60, 102252, 2020. DOI:
SUN, W.; WANG, Z.; ZHANG, G. A. QoS-guaranteed intelligent routing mechanism in software-defined networks. Computer Networks, v. 185, 107709, 2021. DOI:
VELANDIA, D. M. S.; KAUR, N.; WHITTOW, W. G.; CONWAY, P. P.; WEST, A. A. Towards industrial internet of things: crankshaft monitoring, traceability and tracking using RFID. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, v. 41, p. 66-77, 2016. DOI:
VIMAL, S.; KHARI, M.; DEY, N.; CRESPO, R. G.; ROBINSON, Y. H. Enhanced resource allocation in mobile edge computing using reinforcement learning based MOACO algorithm for IIOT. Computer Communications, v. 151, p. 355-364, 2020. DOI:
WANG, E. K.; LIANG, Z.; CHEN, C.; KUMARI, S.; KHAN, M. K. PoRX: A reputation incentive scheme for blockchain consensus of IIoT. Future Generation Computer Systems, v. 102, p. 140-151, 2020. DOI:
WIENER, P.; ZEHNDER, P.; RIEMER, D. Managing geo-distributed stream processing pipelines for the IIoT with StreamPipes edge extensions. In: ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DISTRIBUTED AND EVENT-BASED SYSTEMS (DEBS '20), 14., 2020, Montreal. Proceedings […]. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. p. 165-176. DOI:
WU, D.; LIU, S.; ZHANG, L.; TERPENNY, J.; GAO, R. X.; KURFESS, T.; GUZZO, J. A. A fog computing-based framework for process monitoring and prognosis in cyber-manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, v. 43, p. 25-34, 2017. DOI:
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