Alumina-NbC composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Alumina, Niobium carbide, Spark plasma sinteringResumo
The incorporation of niobium carbide in alumina-based composites has been shown to improve the properties of composite material. The main disadvantage to get a dense composite material is the necessary high sintering temperature. The spark plasma sintering (SPS) process uses a high heating and cooling speed and lower sintering temperature, making this sintering process a suitable method to produce an alumina-NbC composite material at lower temperatures. The sintering behavior of alumina-NbC composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) was investigated at 1350, 1400, and 1450 ?C. X-ray diffraction patterns of sintered bodies revealed only the presence of alumina and NbC crystalline phases. No oxidation products or new crystalline phases were presented after the sintering process. SPS process has produced dense alumina-NbC samples comparable to other alumina-hard particle systems. Microstructural observation revealed inhibition of alumina grain growth in regions near NbC particles. Fracture surfaces showed a mixture of intergranular and transgranular fracture mode.
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