Characterization of sugarcane bagasse ash under different beneficiation processes for application as solar selective surfaces
Energy, Sugarcane bagasse ash, Solar absorber filmsResumo
The present study evaluated the influence of two sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) beneficiation processes (sieving and high-energy milling) as an alternative to evaluate its absorption potential for application as a raw material for the production of solar absorber films. It was noticed that the absorption levels of all the samples were higher than 90% and that the SBCA has predominance of SiO2 corroborated by the mineralogical analysis. The thermal behavior of all the samples was similar among each other, presenting a total mass loss corresponding to 8.5%. As the ash is able to maintain a thermal stability in the temperature range of 100°C to 1000°C, and the chemical and mineralogical composition favors the absorption of solar energy, SCBA has proven to be favorable for application as raw material of selective solar surfaces.
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