2D balance control of a self-balancing robot for power inspection in urban networks
electric power transmission, power inspection, self-balancing robot, urban electric networksResumo
The power inspection of energy transmission networks is an effective way of mitigating risks, and failures, and avoiding mistakes in the transmission system. However, the inspection market is highly competitive and has difficulties in this process, mainly due to the high altitude of the lines. A standard solution for inspection of high-altitude power lines can be implemented using drones and aircraft, however, has a high cost for operation and poor logistics viability. In this scenario, "Prof. Raul Guenther’s Robotic Lab" developed a project of a robot that goes through low and medium-voltage wires to power inspection of transmission systems in urban networks. In this paper we propose the use of a self-balancing robot, aiming to execute the inspection, using a 2D balance control to stabilize the balance on the cable. Moreover, we evaluate the viability and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy, highlighting its advantages and properties using numerical simulations considering a non-linear model, and expected disturbances. Moreover, we develop computational experiments with graphical results, simulating the model in different situations to find the limits of the controller, based on the maximum speed of the wind and the robot moving through the wires.
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