Incremental analysis including shrinkage, creep and constructive effects on reinforced concrete transfer beam




constructive effects, creep and shrinkage, reinforced concrete buildings, staged construction


The numeric modelling and methods of measurement applied to reinforced concrete structures could differ from the buildings’ real conditions. The staged constructive method effects, in which loads are positioned on the floors below, and time strains, such as creep and shrinkage when taken into account in conventional structural analysis, occur in a simplified manner. For hyperstatic structures under high loads cases – as is the case of transfer beams – even more, relevant to the mentioned effects, which could be crucial for ensuring structural safety. Therefore, it is indispensable to apply the incremental analysis method and know the consequences of stress and strains caused by construction loads and time strains. This study aims to model a 10-storey standard building on SAP 2000 software containing a hyperstatic transfer beam on the ground floor. It will be considered shrinkage, creep and constructive effects, analyzing a 2D gantry, and trying to identify how these deformations influence the values of maximum moments in the transfer beam. The main results comprise a negative bending moment increase near the central columns when compared to the conventional analysis performed for transfer beams.


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Como Citar

LUNA, S. de O. M.; BARROS, R.; SILVA FILHO, J. N. da. Incremental analysis including shrinkage, creep and constructive effects on reinforced concrete transfer beam. Revista Principia, [S. l.], v. 59, n. 4, p. 1504–1518, 2022. DOI: 10.18265/1517-0306a2021id5470. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.



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