Free and customizable web application for Internet of Things devices monitoring
Internet of Things, Monitoring, Data acquisition, Free softwareResumo
This paper presents the design and implementation of the free and customizable web application for Internet of Things (IoT) named Wireless Monitor. Wireless Monitor main objective is to provide a solution for online and real-time secure data visualization. The user can create a personalized web ambient using Wireless Monitor to monitor IoT sensor devices. The data collected is stored on a cloud server databank and can be viewed as real-time charts. The proposed Wireless Monitor has been developed to be extensible and can be adapted to different types of sensors, thanks to the system of plugins. Its minimal set of endpoints for exchanging information between the IoT device and the server makes the development simplified, without being limited, thanks to the JSON information exchange protocol. Two different practical experiments were carried out and the obtained results are shown. The first one uses Raspberry Pi, Arduino and a LM35 temperature sensor; and the second one replaces both embedded systems with one ESP 8266 development board.
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