
  • Marcelo Helder Medeiros Santana Instituto Federal da Paraíba, Campus Sousa
  • Patrícia Emília Naves Givisiez Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus II, CCA, Areia-PB
  • Maria Cristina Duarte de Lima Instituto Federal da Paraíba, Campus Sousa
  • Jalceyr Pessoa Figueiredo Júnior Secretaria de Estado de Agropecuária, Cruzeiro do Sul-AC
  • Élcio Gonçalves dos Santos Instituto Federal de Alagoas, Campus Piranhas
  • Fernando Guilherme Perazzo da Costa Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus II, CCA, Areia-PB



Basal diet was partially substituted with tree cassava (Manihot psdeudoglaziovii) hay in the feeding of naked neck Label Rouge birds reared in semiarid climate. It was evaluated the effects on food intake, weight gain, feed conversion from 33 to 70 days of age (d), relative weight of prime cuts and edible organs at 70d, and the histology of small intestine at 56d. An economic analysis of the use of tree cassava hay was also carried out. Three hundred Label Rouge birds were distributed at 33d into a completely randomized design with three treatments (0, 7 and 14% of tree cassava hay levels) and ten repetitions with ten birds per repetition. There were no differences on feed intake, although tree cassava levels negatively affected weight gain and feed conversion. Relative gizzard weight increased (P<0.05) with higher tree cassava levels. In the duodenum, villus height increased (P<0.01) in birds fed 7% tree cassava hay; crypts were deeper in all segments of birds fed 14% tree cassava hay. Relative gross profit decreased in any scenario simulated with 14% of tree cassava hay. The substitution of tree cassava hay for basal diet at the level of 7% is viable for naked neck Label Rouge birds reared in semiarid climate.


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